Healthy Habits for the New Year

The beginning of the new year is a great time to reflect and see what you want to bring into your life and what you want to leave behind in order to create space for things that can be helpful to you.


Have A Positive Self Talk.

Have a good self-talk and analyze what goes through your mind. Try to avoid the critical voice and instead, you might want to come up with a few things that can put you on a positive path. Those ideas would help more if you can write them down. Keep a daily journal and jot down your thoughts and also some goals you would like to accomplish. This can be a great way to clear your mind and begin your day fresh.


Move Your Body Daily.

Whether it’s a walk in the park, a pilates class or at home workout, move your body in a way that feels good to you. Staying active daily not only helps to feel better physically but most importantly, mentally as well. It’s also important to stay hydrated and create a habit of doing so daily.

Here’s a link to our water bottle product for your daily workouts!


Go To Bed Early.

One great goal that most of us try to achieve is to wake up earlier, but in order to do that we must strive to go to bed earlier.

One way you can try is by reading a book before bed or you can try to take a relaxing warm bath. Avoid spending too much time in front a screen because that prevents your mind from relaxing.


Incorporate Greens In Your Meals.

By adding greens to our meals, it increases the intake of vitamins, antioxidants and fibers. Start your day with a simple green smoothie then also adding some broccoli, brussel sprouts and green beans to the main course meal of the day.

Green beans are great because they improve our energy level, skin, and hair health. Fiber in our diet prevents us from craving lots sweets and processed foods.


Focus On Your Gut Health.

A healthy gut means a happy body, and it is just as important as getting enough sleep, exercising, and having a balanced diet. Make sure you’re chewing your food properly, without being distracted like watching TV or having stressful conversations. Drinking warm water, incorporating collagen and probiotics in your diet are other important factors in order to having a healthy gut.

Here are some links to the collagen and probiotic supplements that I personally enjoy using and definitely recommend trying out!

**Check out the “favorites” page on the website for a list of all the supplements.


Work On Your Friendships & Social Connections.

Having a community and a sense of belonging is one of the key factors in health, well-being and a fulfilling life. Spending time with your family is definitely another important factor for your life. Being around those whom you love most can be the best medicine for your mental health and give you a deeper appreciation for others in your life.

As a Christian believer and church goer, I find that serving my church is something that I treasure in my life. It is not only fulfilling for my own spiritual well-being but also for those that are in the community.


Get Organized & Create Structure.

Having a sense of healthy discipline and structure can give you freedom and joy in your life. For example, putting things away after using them, it’s important to have a designated spot for your things in your home. Creating a daily to-do list for yourself or grocery lists can be a helpful and useful tool. Having a routine and an organized schedule set for yourself are small steps towards a more disciplined life.

Here is a link to the book I am currently reading that specifically talks about these points.


A Walk Down Memory Lane


With Love, 2021